Good to know
Besides the doctor on call at the entrance of the village during summer months,
the following information might be useful:
Summer only
- Guardia turistica di Solanas, via Santa Barbara, 3, 09072 Solanas (frazione di Sinnai) tel 070 750795 (day shift from 8AM till 8PM)
- Guardia turistica di Villasimius c/o Guardia Medica, via Regina Elena 09049 Villasimius tel 070 791374
- Farmacy open in Solanas
Year round
- Guardia medica di Sinnai, via della Libertà, 1, 09048 Sinnai, tel 070 767875
- Ospedale Marino, the nearest comprehensive hospital, emergencies department
- Pronto Soccorso P.O. San Marcellino Muravera, viale Rinascita, 1, tel 070 6097735, tel and fax 070 9930459
-, via Leonardo Da Vinci, Loc. Flumini, 09045 Quartu Sant'Elena, tel 070 891155, fax 070 898366
- Farmacia Bianchini Riccardo, via dei Mille, 47, 09040 Maracalagonis, tel 070 789045
- and should help you to quickly locate a 24h open farmacy.
Ambulatorio veterinario Dott. Onano, via Democrito, 7/B, 09040 Settimo San Pietro, tel 070 7600058
Telephone numbers
- Police 112
- Firemen 115
- Health emergencies 118
The village
Torre delle Stelle rose 40 years ago on two hills and a plain covered by gigantic dunes which linked the Cannesisa and the Genne'Mari beaches (see year 1954 aerial photograph). Mainly inhabited by locals, who own the majority of properties, the village draws an increasing number of foreign tourists.
It is one of the best examples of coastal development (or perhaps the least worst), since each villa is individually styled and surrounded by abundant vegetation. The entire South East of Sardinia is sparsely constructed and nature is dominant both along the coast and inland.
During the summer, two beach resorts on each beach (Cannesisa and Genne'Mari) rent beach umbrellas and deck chairs.
Access to the whole shoreline of South-East Sardinia is free (no private beaches)
The high season begins in July and ends in September. The two central weeks of August are the highest season. Throughout the high season, apart from week-ends, affluence to the beaches is relatively limited and concentrated around 10AM-2PM 4PM-7PM. During the low season the population drops from its several thousands high to 100 people.
Beaches and swimming
We believe that the the sea of South East Sardinia is one of the safest in the world.
However, for groups who discover the Mediterranean, it is useful to know how to behave when exceptionally a potentially dangerous situation arises.
Generally, the only danger posed by the following scenarios is fainting, so get out of the water immediately in case of pain.
- On the rocky parts of the coast, avoid contact with stinging anemonesLicense and sea urchinsLicense.
- The spider fishLicense dwells in the sand. Seldom (rough sea, turbid waters) it stingsLicense for defence when surprised. The pain caused by the sting is very strong and the only effective remedy is to apply heat (hot sand, flame but don't burn yourself, dark stone) to neutralize the venom and relieve pain. After that, it is better to use an analgesic and possibly consult a physician for advice.
- The presence of jellyfish is very rare, the last invasion we remember dates back almost twenty years ago. Most of the jellyfish are non-stinging or slightly stinging jellyfish. When meeting with more stinging varieties such as Pelagia NoctilucaLicense,
- get out of the water, remove the tentacles without touching them with bare hands, wash thoroughly with sea water (do not use fresh water) or vinegar, heat might help too.
- Apply shaving cream or hot and wet sand then "shave" with a credit card or razor to remove the last cnidocyst cells.
- Usually, after half an hour most symptoms are attenuated. If not, to ease the pain paracetamol or ibuprofen are useful, and in case of itching, corticosteroids creams are effective.
- Check the validity of your vaccine against tetanus and follow the evolution of any wounds.
When swimming in a group, a volunteer could simply use a snorkelling mask. Another solution is to observe the stream and position yourself at the opposite end of the beach.
- The main source of concern in the sea of the South East of Sardinia is the presence of pleasure boats (especially the weekends during the two central weeks of August), driven more or less responsibly. The laws are very strict but controls are not enough. Near beaches navigation is actually prohibited or channelled but on the rocky parts of the coast and offshore it is necessary to bring a dive buoy or remain in the vicinity of an anchored boat.
- Some rays (stingrayLicense) and electric torpedoesLicense can be approached, for obvious reasons it is better not to touch them.
In general all the predators of a certain size are harmless, but:
- Do not feed them, because the view is not their most developed sense, they may confuse the fingers with the tips of fish that you offer, follow tradition and do not make them associate the presence of man with food.
- If you try to catch a predator an aggressive reaction ensues. For example, a common morayLicense, small and innocuous, can inflict painful bites after being attacked.
- Always dive with a knife in case you get caught in a net.
There has never been an accident with sharks in Sardinia, most of those are basking sharksLicense feeding on plankton and the other specimens feed on small prey.
If swimming off into deep water, as a precaution we recommend that you do not:
- swim during the sunset
- beat the surface of the sea
- wear yellow colours or sparkling objects
- swim like a seal
- swim during menstruation
- plunge into a school of fishLicense or even worse in a tuna bait ball
When meeting sharks move away slowly, try not to be fearful, and if the shark becomes too curious hit the tip of the nose or the eyes with your fist or even better strike with a speargun or knife.
N.B. So far the only known accident throughout the Sardinian coast is that of a sick blue shark washed up on a beach that bites a rescuer.
Boating and fishing
Unless you are happy catching small fish or hoping for a fluke, you need assistance to understand habits, schedules and seasons of each fish species.
The best live baits are squidLicense and needlefishLicense.
Equipement and licenses
Without proper authorisations and equipment boaters should navigate within 3 nautical miles of the coast. Navigation beyond 12 miles is allowed only for registered boats.
Safety advice
A wonderful practice when driving a boat is to wear a kill cord or safety lanyard: when the driver falls overboard the craft’s engine will stop, allowing people to easily swim back to the craft and ensure that the craft is not running loose in the water.
Spots that require attention when navigating
- In front of Solanas, rogue waves form at most two or three hundred meters from the coast.
- Between Cavoli island and Capo Carbonara
- Shallow underwater rocks close to the coastline and minor islands
Before departure
When the sea gets rough
- Navigate offshore (not too offshore) unless you are going back to a harbour, and keep the bow against the waves
- Slow down without losing your temper
- Call for help
- Follow best security practices such as wearing life jackets.
- If the engine dies, suspending the anchor in the water and attaching it to the bow will help to keep the bow against the waves.
Useful adresses
If you need fishing equipment, bait or advice the following addresses might be useful :
- Sardegna Pesca Srl, via Po, 45, 09122 Cagliari, tel 070 292437, live bait 24h/day
- A chat with the fishermen or tour operators inside a harbour
- Always carry some water, a compass and a GPS with you.
- TicksLicense can transmit infections if their head is left under the skin, they should always be dizzied with alcohol prior to extirpating them with tweezers, and then burnt. Check your skin after walking in pastures and tall herbs.
- Before approaching naturalLicense or man-made beehivesLicense, make sure not to wash yourself with scented soap, and get a feel of the calmness of bees, which are very sensible to upcoming weather events, by observing them from a comfortable distance.
- In the absence of wind, Indian figsLicense may be picked without touching their spots. They should then be rubbed with a bundle of straw, washed if possible, and finally, without touching the spots, peeled by cutting off ends and peeling off along a longitudinal cut.
- The milky sap of Tree SpurgeLicense is irritating.
- There are no poisonous snakes in Sardinia.
- Two small scorpionLicense species sparsely populate the island and do not pose a threat to healthy humans in the unlikely event of stinging, comparable to a bee stinger.
- Apparently the Mediterranean black widowLicense hasn't been spotted in South Eastern Sardinia for some decades now, and the only areas where it can be encountered are in the province of Oristano, West Sardinia. A sting requires a trip to the first aid, symptoms are not immediate.
- Now you that you know the less nice stuff you can concentrate on the nice stuff: birdsLicense, dragonfliesLicense, butterfliesLicense, amphibiansLicense, flowersLicenseLicense, springs ...
- Anisakis is a parassite which settles in the stomach or intestine, and in worst cases, may cause some damage before dying. It is resistant to salt and marinade. Not necessarily widespread, it is eliminated by:
- Gutting fish as soon as it is caught
- Freezing at temperatures below -20º C for one week
- Warming to more than 70º C
- Sea bass, sea bream and mullets can be farmed in salty lakes and/or open sea, whereas the other fish we mention on have to be wild.
- Some people prefer to be notified before they taste Casu Marzu, a rotten cheese digested by live maggots (included), not for sale.